Ethiopia – Natural Process


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This delicate and sweet coffee comes from the famous Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia. The seeds are harvested and processed at Koke washing station. We love Yirgacheffe naturals for their clean sweet cup, well defined dark berry notes and excellent tea like aftertaste.

The labor-intensive drying and cherry sorting practices at Koke, result in more distinct fruit flavors with complex acidity and perfumed aromatics.

Tasting Notes: Big red berry notes of raspberry/blueberry, bergamot tea, meyer lemon finish

Origin: Ethiopia, Gedeo, Yirgacheffe
Producer: Koke Washing Station
Varieties: Heirloom Yirgacheffe type
Process: Natural process, sun dried on raised beds & hand sorted
Altitude: 1900-2100 masl

Additional information


Whole bean


340g, 2lb, 5lb